Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There are so many books, records and food in Alex's dad's basement! It is practically a library!

Later today we will be driving out to Alex's Uncle John's cabin in Wisconsin. I've been told that there is a massive garage- or what they like to call "garage-mahal"- that is causing much controversy. I will take pictures.

Burt (Alex's dad) has two rottweilers that are ridiculously cute and nice. They both must weigh more than I do (with the older weighing at least twice as much as me) and have the capacity to kill me if necessary. Good thing I am a nice girl.

Here is an itinerary of the remainder of our American heartland trip:

Now-October 2: Minnesota
October 3-6: Chicago/O'Fallon
October 6-9: Boston
October 9-11: DC
October 11-13: New York/New Jersey
And we fly out to Shanghai on the 14th!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ramblings from Beach, North Dakota

I'm alone sitting on the cold floor of the visitor's center. According to a sign on the wall that lists total mileage from various cities, Beach is approximately 1100 miles away from Seattle. We left Seattle at 830am Friday. It is now 335 am. Alex is sleeping in the back of the truck (in my sleeping bag!) because we couldn't find any motels that had any vacancies. We originally intended to camp in Billings, Montana but Alex found a second wind after a nap and decided to keep going.

I'm usually afraid of being by myself in strange areas (like normal people) but I am oddly comforted by the number of video surveillance cameras in here. It's really cold outside.

I think I will try to nap.

Actually, I don't think that will happen because of free wireless. What an age we live in.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


At the end of the week, I'll be leaving Seattle with nothing more than a backpack full of underpants and socks and important documents that verify my citizenship, esl certification and education. I've relieved myself of all my possessions except for a special selection of items I've collected since I was 9 years old. I've had these things for a while but not long enough to sit down and properly reminisce (it hasn't been that long). I might as well keep the collection going in order to validate constantly moving them around. I'm actually not a hoarder.

Anyway, I digress. So I'm leaving my comfort zone once again for an indefinite amount of time. I feel like this time it is a selfish move considering my parents are still contributing to my financial pool (I'd like to think that my bond has a long time before it is fully matured). At the same time, I feel like I'm going to finally be doing something that I like. Like people who feel their need to satisfy their biological clock and settle down and start a family, going to China feels like the next logical step for me. China is my baby and/or real job. Don't worry- I'll be making money there somehow.

Did I mention that Alex will also be moving to China? I am concerned about him experiencing culture shock that mentally and physically disables him from being happy. In order to prevent this, I, with a collaboration with Rosetta Stone have been teaching him key phrases such as "This boy/girl/man/woman is drinking water", "I want beer", "I do not want to jog" in various combinations.

While I'm sad to be leaving my friends/social network, I am excited to go abroad and return with better things to talk about in comparison to this last year where I have been less interesting than a piece of bark.

This is Alex and Dana.

I will attempt to update this blog while we are abroad (government permitting, of course). So keep in touch! Also, give me your address. Alex and I are determined to write a lot of letters while we are away in order to revive the romantic notion of the act, considering how exotic our travels will be (not really, but really).

I haven't written like this in a long time since I've been traumatized writing 60+ pages over the summer. I feel like I need to insert "strategic" and "competitive advantage" in somewhere. I guess I just did.

Baby steps.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

As if nothing ever happened

I'm sorry I've neglected this. I have no excuses. Or I have many excuses but none are valid. I will be back shortly.