"Discipline, on the other hand, arranges a positive economy; it poses the principle of a theoretically ever-growing use of time: exhaustion rather than use; it is a question of extracting, from time, ever more available moments and, from each moment, ever more useful forces. This means that one must seek to intensify the use of the slightest moment, as if time, in its very fragmentation, were inexhaustible as if, at least by an ever more detailed internal arrangement, one could tend towards an ideal point at which one maintained maximum speed and maximum efficiency." -Foucault in "Docile Bodies" from his book Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison.
I quote Foucault not only to appear as a pretentious asshole but also because 1. we are reading him in my Anthropology class and 2. I feel that it explains my current status. I think we can all relate to this. Do you feel that you are pressured to take on more responsibilities? Do you feel that you have to constantly compete with people? Do you feel that society values those who are productive and tags those who are otherwise as "lazy" and "unmotivated"? Maybe its just me. If that is the case then I'm just a huge douche bag.
A telltale indication of an impending sickness is waking up with a sore throat. If I had a rough weekend full of eating large amounts of crunchy foods, screaming or throwing up, this wouldn't be too surprising. However, my weekend did not comprise of any of these things. In fact, it involved a lot of working, sleeping, dreading work and worrying about whether or not I would get enough sleep. I would factor in the party I briefly attended but that would just throw the curve off. I need to maintain the dramatic value of these things, you know.
Big news to come out of this weekend though: I got a new job working at Shinka Teas in Capitol Hill. While I've been told that it may potentially, for lack of a better word, suck, I feel that it is a step up from working at SBC. Since I am a spineless pushover, I won't be quitting SBC just yet. I don't really want to talk about it. Just let me live.
I feel like I could write about anything right now. The sky is the limit with these things and I'm usually one for exploiting length but nothing really profound comes to mind. I guess this means that I will talk about petty problems.
People say that studying abroad is one of the best things you can do as a student. You learn a lot, gain new perspective, meet wonderful people and have firsthand experience of a different culture. Then, if they had the opportunity of studying abroad, they will talk about how they grew as a person, citing several occasions on how it was demonstrated. I won't disagree with this because I feel that it is true. But while many people will talk about identity formation or hating the States, a hot topic that I like to address is how I have grown in the literal sense.
I've grown two pants sizes since August of last year. This is news to me because my history with growing has occurred at a staggering pace. I still don't think I need a bra. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about "being a big girl". One on hand, people don't have to accuse me of being anorexic because that is dated material. On the other hand, I am outgrowing my pants at a rapid pace that I may have to resort to wearing spandex or sweatpants (spandex on special occasions) in the near future because I am too poor to be able to afford real pants. I'll let you know how that goes.
I think I am in love with my English teacher only because he has all the qualities I've ever wanted for myself. For example, the spectacular facial hair, intellect, sport coats and an English degree. If only I was that girl who would make advances, regardless of jeopardizing the grade, his job or my pride. Just kidding, I would never do that to Grandpa. I could do with some facial hair and sport coats though.
I should probably read for my class tomorrow. I wouldn't want to disappoint my teacher.
Before I do that though, these are some things I am looking forward to this week:
1. Getting my camera in the mail
2. Dirty Projectors on Thursday with the bros
3. Arranging an appointment for getting my wisdom teeth pulled out (yes, this is exactly what it looks like)
4. Starting the new job on Friday
5. Possibly going to Olympia on Saturday
And, for the sake of occupying more space and making lists, these are some recent purchases to my media collection:
1. Strangers with Candy Season 1
2. Dosh "Pure Trash"
3. el Guincho "Alegranza!"
4. The Big Lebowski
And, for what it's worth (since I am popular and he is into getting name dropped)-
Happy Birthday, Tim.
I'm also posting this video because I think it is funny. This is my way of embracing my people. "You know my daughter make it too"
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