Wednesday, December 31, 2008
On 2009
Curb my spending (even on food)
Pay attention in class
Be nice to people
Do something worthwhile and stop feeling sorry for myself (right)
I doubt any of that will happen. Tonight, my brother, Michael and I are going to go to a dance boutique. What exactly is a dance boutique? I'll let you know.
Are any of you concerned about the ongoing financial crisis? What is to happen to all those people, companies, countries, etc, dependent on American consumer spending? How about the enlightened state of Americans and their relationship with money? Maybe its a good thing that this era of consumerism/materialism is over. These things are so complicated. Maybe this is why I don't like to think about these things.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Washington DC looks like this
Do you want more? I like the Metro
Since I learned that I will be graduating sooner than expected, I have been having occasional panic attacks concerning what I will be doing after I graduate. Here are some of the options I am considering:
1. Teach English somewhere in the world
2. Teach for America
3. Non profit work* in Seattle
4. Non profit work in the Bay Area
5. Non profit work somewhere in this world
(Who would have thought, right?)
Things I am not considering:
1. Admin-assistant
2. Working on Guam
3. Getting a job in China through my parents' hotel connections
4. Big business anything
The problem is actually finding a job in this terrible economy!
*Non profit work in terms of education, economic development or microfinancing.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Washington DC is
I like the subway and old things. Where are all the cool record stores?
There is also a 15 year old, 20 pound cat living here!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Documenting our hysteria: Liz and Frances studying for finals
9:28 I just told Liz how excited I am about finishing my finals. It has been a series of emotion since we started studying- I was depressed, then anxious, then angry, now I'm excited. Liz has finished half of a liter bottle of cranberry juice. She is now going to the bathroom. She is pointing aggressively at me on the way to the bathroom.
9:31 My body feels like a stretch that cannot be satisfied. Does this make sense to you? I am taking a sip of cranberry juice, I should keep my urinary tract functioning properly. Liz says that, through my liveblogging, we've reached new lows. She is laughing with her cranberry juice in her hand. She says, "I feel like we've taken's only 9:30 Frances! *extending her hand* we have a lot of time left [before these tests]".
9:34 Liz is on her computer, I don't believe she is doing things relevant to studying Finance. I don't want to look at her or else I'm going to laugh. I am going to look at finance material now.
9:35 Liz is laughing to herself. I don't want to look at what she's laughing at in fear of being severely disturbed.
9:36 I want to cheat on this test. Liz is shaking her head at me.
9:40 I wonder if focusing on a piece of material for a long enough time and whether it is possible to internalize it just by looking at it, not necessarily trying to understand it. I don't feel like doing any more practice problems (I'm not exactly doing any problems, I'm just looking at them)
9:43 While switching songs on my iPod, I hear whatever Victrola is playing. I know this band but the name slips my mind, I know there is something with a horse in the name. I'm looking at Liz and she looks like she's concentrating very hard. She is pressing buttons on her calculator. I am certain I will fail this test.
9:45 "Bizarre Love Triangle" comes on shuffle and I decide that I really like 90s dance music. Liz is making funny faces.
9:47 Tim calls my phone and I give it to Liz. I tell her to tell him that we're liveblogging. Tim is coming here. I am worried that I will have to shift all my things to accommodate his physical needs. That doesn't seem right. I need to pee again. Or poop, I'm not sure yet.
9:53 Liz sticks her hand in front of my face as I'm trying to work through a problem and asks if I've posted this yet. I say no, she pulls the large bottle of cranberry juice from under the table and says thanks, she feels much better. She slouches into her chair and reads out loud. I really need to pee but I'm embarrassed. Liz and I have collectively used the bathroom at least 18 (10 for Liz only) times. I wonder when I'll stop liveblogging. This is more fun than you think!
10:00 I just received a call from my landlord and I will be signing another lease. I hope I don't stay here for another year, I would like to move to another country/San Francisco. Liz says there are a lot of kids here and that they are "cute", I really think she means that she wants to steal them. Liz is muttering to herself and is pointing aggressively again at me. She is also doing robot movements and speaking in rhythm. She is talking about WACC (weighted average cost of capital) and how she wants to punch Tim when she sees him.
10:02 Liz is talking and I am not listening to her words anymore because I'm distracted by these men behind me who are talking loudly. Liz is telling me that she needs a brush because her hair is nappy, whatever the fuck that means. Liz is talking about her hat and how she bought it at Walgreens for $1.50, she is planning to buy more.
10:05 Out of nowhere, Liz tells me that her mom has buckteeth, demonstrates how her mom looks and says that "its very cute". I think this is a good place to stop. I seriously have to pee.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Out of Control

I like this picture of my mom and niece number 1, Alora. I am pretty sure that there was food in Alora's mouth when this picture was taken. I want that jade bracelet my mom is wearing. I was supposed to have it over the summer but was not able to because there are no proper jade polishing facilities on island, so I will have to wait until my mom goes to Taiwan/Philippines to get it done. I wonder what my mom cooked in this picture, I'm sure it is delicious. This is the dining table that has been in my family for years. When we were younger and my mom would leave the island for business, she would place a gallon of water and a box of cereal under this table in case of an earthquake. I also remember when this table was in my sister's condo, my dad was ironing a shirt on the table and damaged it. My mom was upset about this as this table was expensive. Do you like the tribal table cover and the fake plastic birds of paradise (the flowers)? How about the pink accent wall? My room, which is also painted pink, is to the left of that wall.
I am digging myself a deeper hole by blogging instead of doing homework. It is almost 4pm on a Sunday and I have not studied for any of my finals. What am I even doing! I want to go to the liquor store. I have been listening to David Bowie's The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust... album for days now!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Homer (my guest on Thanksgiving)
Alex (is so handsome)!
El Guincho at the Nectar Lounge 11/24
Now that I have your attention, I hope you are ready for something epic.
After I had been admitted into the Business School and CISB program, I met with the CISB counselor to map out the rest of my time at the UW. Since I had applied to the program a year later than most people, we had forecasted my graduated date to be Winter 2010. However, when I was doing some academic planning in lieu of listening to important test material, I realized that I could graduate as early as summer 2009 (While I am compromising a decent grade in that class, I figured that realizing the possibility of graduating is far more significant than understanding the concepts underlying project management). I spoke to two academic counselors about my forecast and I was absolutely right-
This is amazing news because I was already starting to internalize the fact that I would be miserable in the business school by myself while two out of the two friends I have in the school will have long graduated. The best/worst part about this situation is that, by the end of my college career, I will have accumulated over 220 credits (180 is the minimum amount to graduate). This is the best/worst because I both maximized/wasted my time and money at the UW, depending on which classes that I feel were either beautiful (aka Mr Deblois) or stupid shit (aka business school prerequisites).
So how does it feel knowing that one is graduating a lot sooner than expected? Where do I even begin?
Let's start with the superficial- I'm happy that I get to graduate with my 2 (out of 2) business school friends, I'm relieved that I don't have to waste money on bullshit books, I'm excited to have a life outside of Balmer or Foster (where all my business class are and will be for the next 30 weeks), NO MORE BUSINESS CASUAL, and, probably most importantly, I'm glad I will be out of an extremely competitive environment.
Further into the emotional depths, I am happy for my parents because all three of their children are(will be) college graduates. If it was one thing that my mom constantly told us (aside from "guys don't like loose girls"), it is that we needed to graduate from college in order to have a better life. This was normal considering that my siblings and I were generation 1.5 of having the opportunity to grow up in America and have all the opportunities that it entails (to a certain extent on Guam, I guess). Where would I even be if it weren't for my grandfather who made this all possible for us? Being a college graduate continues the legacy and I feel that it legitimizes the sacrifices of my grandfather/family. Let us hope that I actually do something worthwhile after all this. Probably not.
Finally, I address my fear and insecurities. Having believed that I had an extra year of school, didn't seriously think about my after-college plans. Especially in the visual sense, looking at the numbers that compose 2010 seems like decades away. Now that graduation had moved up a year, I feel like there is a sense of urgency that I need to address. There is no validation to maintaining this lifestyle if I'm not in school anymore, especially if I am foregoing a secure job in lieu of "doing what I want". How will I maintain this lifestyle? This loft?!
I've considered several options of my post graduation plans, mostly romantic ideas of how I want to travel and teach and help people but, I feel that I need to be realistic about my actions, or at least be able to convince my parents that I am doing something valuable. While my mom always encouraged doing things that we enjoy, there was also the issue of $$$, as most immigrant families have to address at some point. I think she was secretly hoping we would like to be doctors, lawyers or financial geniuses. Her sociological experiment worked to some extent with me but ultimately failed when I realized that I hated the business school and do not want to have anything to deal with large amounts of money and investing it in ideas, or anything to that degree. I still like China though, don't ask me to explain why. I'm not ready yet.
I feel like starting this internship gives me some kind of direction since it will contribute to my sparse resume, especially if this is the path I want to follow. I regret not getting involved with anything, really, during my time in school, but I will defend myself and say that it took me a long time to find out what my "passions" are (Don't ask me about this one either, I'm also not ready to explain). We'll see. 21 is the new 16; I'm still young, right?
I think it is ironic that I am writing about how I am going to graduate yet am not making any attempt to study for the three finals I have, especially since I am extremely uncertain about how I will do in these classes. I'm still going to go with the rationale that knowing that I get to graduate is more important than learning about bullshit. Let's not rain on my parade. I feel like I've been prematurely celebrating though by rewarding myself with material goods, let us hope my parents feel like I deserve these things or else I will have to ask for a bailout.
It is only fair that I address the topics that people have requested in the previous post.
"10. How it is fun to drink and socialize and dance(in that order)"
Since I've been 21, I feel like I've both abused and made the most out of having the privilege to drink. This is especially bad since my parents are the ones who finance my consumption. In previous years, I was a self identified social hermit and refused to speak to people unless spoken to (mostly because I hated my life/Eamon). And, like everyone says, drinking is a social lubricant. In the last couple of months, I feel like I've reintroduced myself to all my friends and vice versa. I've learned some interesting things about myself and other people as a result of drinking. For example, I guess I turn into an unrestrained asshole when I drink. I make multiple threats and swear at people with no shame. This is not ladylike. Then there is the dancing. Making a perfect segue from socializing with friends, dancing is the perfect way to end a night. Whether it is at a show or dance clubs, dancing further demonstrates the unconfined nature of having a genuinely good time with friends. Those of you who have gone dancing with me understand this. Also, if dancing is the option of the night, then there is less room for me to become an asshole and talk shit. That is important to note.
"11. The substantial weight I've put on in the last year and how my appetite has gone through the roof!"
Although you may not see the difference, there have been significant changes of my physical entity. I cannot comfortably wear pants that I own, which is especially difficult during these times of double pantsing. My face is fatter, my thighs are rippling (in the bad way) and I have a belly. While this is all unusual for me, I had a feeling that my metabolism couldn't keep up with the amount of food that I eat. Liz and I are eating champions, especially for girls of our size. I cannot even describe how this is possible, it is even harder to quantify how much food we eat. Would you like to see this in action? Take us out to eat, especially at any one of our favorite restaurants, and you will see.
It is 12am, which technically means I have a final tomorrow that I have done absolutely no studying for, in two days I have two consecutive finals that I have done even less studying for. I hope that I can validate my bullshitting with decent grades.
In about two weeks I'll be visiting my brother in DC for the first time, as you already know. I've been rereading his blog, which is still as funny as the first time I've read it. The August entries are especially entertaining! If you ever want to get second perspective of my family, I recommend reading it. Maybe you can also get some insight as to how I am the way I am.
I'm tired/hungry, I may or may not vomit. This is all. No proper transition to the end.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Home Stretch
1. The likelihood of me graduating earlier than I expected and suddenly afraid of what comes after graduation.
2. Finally doing something worthwhile with my spare time and trying to get the most out of college- Getting an internship
3. Being retrospective of the relationship I had with Eamon and how insensitive I was to others
4. Hoping for the best with Alex
5. Being ridiculously poor yet living way beyond my means and feeling extremely guilty about it
6. Dealing with the last week of school and then finals and having to deal with 18 credits every quarter till the summer
7. How my career goals have changed dramatically (no big business!)
8. How I feel that teaching children would be rewarding (Teach for America/New Teacher Project)
9. How I hope my parents will support and be happy for me considering I refuse to work for a company for the sake of making money
10. How it is fun to drink and socialize and dance(in that order)
11. The substantial weight I've put on in the last year and how my appetite has gone through the roof!
Are any of these topics particularly interesting to you that you would like that I address? I will take requests.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Eating Poop
Mrs Whyte scooped up what she thought was compacted chocolate, but by the time she realised it something other than ice-cream, it was too late.
“The minute I put the spoon to my lips, the stench went through my nostrils. I retched and spat it into the napkin,” she told Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph newspaper.
She said one of her sons screamed at the hotel staff: “you’ve made my mum eat poo”.
You know how I feel about poop related business.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
On getting exercise tips
My mom and I talked about how I have been eating a lot more lately, attributed to my newfound interest (or epiphany) in cooking for myself. I had mentioned that I feel like I have been gaining weight and she responded that I should 1. stop eating rice (which she has mentioned many times when she had taken notice of my growing ass) and 2. in lieu of riding my bike, I should "jump around" my apartment as a form of exercise. These alternative means to losing weight/exercise seem to be doing wonders for her. Apparently, her recent weight loss is a direct relation of her dancing with my niece, Reena, when she babysits. There are more helpful guidelines to my diet but I will save you the ridiculousness of it all. You know how parents are.
Aside from me gaining weight and my impending weight loss regimen, I feel overworked from school. For example today I had a Operations Management midterm, tomorrow I have a Finance quiz and will be on campus till 8pm, Friday I have a Chinese quiz, a group meeting for a Finance project and another group meeting for I BUS and finally (not really), I have a Chinese test on Monday. For the next three weeks, my schedule will probably resemble this structure. How would I have ever survived with a part time job? I realize that this workload is probably a piece of cake for some but still, is it really necessary to constantly test our intelligence and dedication to the subject matter? Do our teachers really not trust us?
Probably not, considering that I spent a good amount of time replacing words with "cock", "penis" or "vagina" or making any sort of reference to sex or blowjobs at the end of sentences, as well as drawing penises on the pictures on Tom's notes in class today*. I am probably a decent model for how our teachers do not trust our dedication. And I want to be a teacher...
Which brings me to how I also spoke to my stepdad about my prospective internship this summer. In the end, I am guaranteed an internship in either Singapore, mainland China or Taiwan in some kind of hotel. While this is great considering I don't have to actually compete for a spot, I haven't broken the news about how I hate big business and would rather do nonprofit/education work. Then again, I still need to do an internship in order to graduate with a CISB degree. It's tough!
I mentioned my work intensive week but I am doing nothing to relieve any (future) stress, like studying or doing research. This is what I am doing- eating hot Cheetos, sitting in my underpants, listening to music and planning on reading some comics. This is what I want to be doing- writing my essay for that China essay contest, applying for internships that I would enjoy, have time to read the new comics and magazines I bought and eating more chips.
Monday, November 10, 2008
On Being Able to Handle Six Hours of Straight School
Monday through Friday:
10:30-11:20 CHIN 303 3rd Year Non-Heritage Chinese
Mondays and Wednesdays:
12:30-2:20 MGMT 320 Business, Government and Society
2:30-4:20 B ECON 300 Managerial Economics
4:30-6:20 MGMT 300 Organizational Behavior
6:30-7:50 I BUS 491 CISB Seminar
Those business classes sound terrible. Let us hope I don't get lazy with all that free time during the rest of the week!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Silly Chinese Characters!
Can you believe that is a Chinese character? It's ridiculous!
In other words, I hope good things come out of today. Do you?
Monday, November 3, 2008
On Posting Explicit Content
Here is a sample of what you will receive-

I believe it is an accurate representation of myself, encompassing both my physique and worldly talents, something that is not easily done!
There is more where this comes from, and uncensored too!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
On The Next Generation
More to come about this later. I have a speech to memorize in Chinese.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mid-Week Weekend
Earlier today I was interviewed by a group of students doing some kind of social experiment involving object identification. I figured they pegged me for being a person who likes to party because of my red Keds and silly hat. Rather than objecting their cause through my socially awkward antics, I gladly obliged-
(Pulling a miniature wooden cross out of his pocket) "What is the first thing you think of when you see this?"
"And why do you think of Jesus?"
"Because he died on a cross for our sins."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a seasonal Catholic. Only when the family is around."
"Alright, thats all we need from you. Thanks for your time!"
What a great way to start the day! I think I compromised my image of a person who likes to party with my Jesus speak. Oh well. I refuse to do homework for the rest of the night/my life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tim's line
Tim's line
我不太同意你的看法。不少中文式的英文标志,不但是误译,有的时候还错得令人的惊讶。为什么会出现这种情况呢?我想是因为中文词有很多的意思。上个星期我跟一个朋友去吃饭,在菜单里写着一个英语标志。上面写的是“man and wife lung slice".你猜是什么意思。
Tim's line
Tim's Line
“肺片”这个词就更让人感到奇怪了。他们竟一个词一个地把它翻译成“lung slice"。
Tim's Line
那就可以说应该 "small hearted" 不应该 "small minded" 哈哈,有意思。
I know right? 学习怎么这么难!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
On Investing In My Future
I think the worst part about having to study for these tests is that I am required to produce quantitative answers rather than exercising my bullshitting capabilities, which we all know I excel at.
It's kind of disappointing knowing that the results of these tests (considering I don't do shit when it comes to extracurricular activities) will determine my candidacy for a well paying job in some Fortune 500 company, if I actually wanted that of course but it's still nice to have the option.
I'm excited that people have been responding well to my blog. I'm glad I'm doing my part for the community (maybe I can list this on my resume, can you tell I'm concerned about my post-college life?). I wish I could dedicate more time to shit talking and expressing my hopes and dreams -which I have yet to address- but we all know that this fun and exciting life I have is the actual material that makes this blog so wonderful.
In the mean time, here is a silly video that a classmate, Tom, shared with me via Facebook. I think he's trying to tell me that I have too many pairs of Keds. Because it boosts my self esteem, I do this in real life on a daily basis:
*In my defense, I've actually been studying since last week but I like add dramatic effect. At the same time, studying between/after classes does not make up for not listening and understanding the material in the actual class.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Great Coffee
I could be doing better things in class, like actively listening for example, but this seemed more imperative.
There is a funny story associated with this, do you want to know about it? Let me know so I feel like I'm not just posting in vain. I'm not just posting for my personal reference you know, I'm doing a public service. It's me.
When you and I, when you and I connect
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bend Over Boyfriend
While it is proper to address these concerns (i.e. my relationship with Eamon or why I love China), I refuse to do so (at this time) in lieu of the fact that I do not feel like exposing my fears, hopes, dreams and insecurities. Instead, let me update you, again in bullet form, as to what petty things are occurring in my life.
- I will be visiting my brother in DC over winter break. It will be my first time visiting the East coast!
- I'm compiling a list of Business School conspiracies that really just shows how much of a whiny, lazy student I am. However, I really do believe that there is the spirit of conspiracy that resides within buying books for these classes.
- Pegging (both receiving and giving)
- Preparing meals for myself
- Going to Hump! Finally!
I guess I'll post something with something of a little more substance (or at least provides you all with a fun, exciting story) next time.
In the mean time, the apple does not fall far from the tree. The lady in the purple shirt is the woman who tells me that I should "make [myself] valuable" and that "guys don't like loose girls". I can only hope I can provide my own daughters with similar valuable words of advice. My dad is pretty hip too.
(Left-Right) Lola, Lolo (my dad's parents), Angel (my sister), mom, dad.
This picture was taken sometime in the early 80s at this park called "Ngayon Pilipino" in Metro Manila, Philippines. We used to go there as a family during our summer vacations. From what I remember, Ngayon Pilipino was a park full of small-scale versions of various Philippine landmarks. If I'm not mistaken, the landmark that they are posed in front of is Mayon Volcano that is located in Bicol, where my mom (and supposedly, all the beautiful women of the Philippines) comes from.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"So do you want to know what happened to me today?"
1. Getting manhandled by a bus
Even after swearing off the 10am bus for good (due to a crazy bus driver in the past), I was convinced by Tim that the bus had since changed their ways. Things would be different now, it would be a healthy, reciprocal relationship this time around. The bus would come early, I would be in class on time and things would be okay. No one would be yelling or driving like they were on speed (yet not getting anywhere on time).
I had spoken too soon when I realized that it was already 10:10 with the bus nowhere in sight. Fearing the verbal assaults by my Chinese teacher for being late, I was considering several options- for one, I could wait for the bus and hope that I will get to school in five minutes. I could also call a cab, pay $15 to get there and still be late. The last option, which would be the most desperate, would be to take my shitty car, only to realize that it won't start. Taking all these options into consideration, I decided to not spend any money [that I didn't have] and wait for the bus.
The bus finally came. I had accepted that I would be publicly ousted in front of my peers for being late, perhaps I would make it up with excellent Chinese dialogue. Probably not. With my head down, I stepped onto the bus only to be manhandled by the doors. A few people managed to slip through but, practicing caution and defending my honor, I stepped out. The doors opened again and once again, the fucking doors close on me. While the smart thing to do was to dust my shoulders off and casually enter the bus through the front doors, in my hope for the goodness of humanity, I waited. The doors open again and I quickly try to rush in. The next thing you know, my foot is stuck between the doors and I can't pull it out. There is nothing to be done now- I could not properly defend my honor, I am embarrassed and I might possibly lose a foot/shoe.
What was to be done now? The bus had won. I pulled my foot out of my shoe, pulled my shoe out with my hands and ran to the front of the bus, found a seat and refused to make eye contact with anyone. The world was against me at that point- I was going to be late for Chinese AND I was publicly humiliated and assaulted by a metro bus.
I have been taking the 9:41am bus since then.
2. "I'm wearing shorts"
Earlier this year, I came home from a typical day at school. I don't usually run into my neighbors considering most of them are older and have older people jobs. On this particular day, I had just checked my mail and was making my way upstairs. As I open the door to the stairwell, an older man in a white tshirt and white underpants ("tighty whities") happened to be on his way upstairs. Our eyes met (or maybe my eyes met his underpants). The only thing he said was "I'm sorry, I'm wearing shorts". What does one say in response to that? He turned around and in a slow jog type of way, made his way upstairs. I only had to follow him up one flight of stairs (Why didn't I just take the other stairs?) but the image has burned a place in my mind. Those stairs will never be the same again.
3. "Maybe I should call Liz and Tim"
Over the summer I both worked and attended school. Granted it was only one class and I only worked for 4 hours but still, I'm sensitive. Not to mention I started work at 5:15 in the morning. For some reason, although I had to do this 4 times a week, I never got used to the schedule. Needless to say, I was always tired.
I usually bike down to work since the buses don't run early enough and, since I am a hipster who can't bike for shit, I bus back home (or to school). Since I had been told by a bus driver that I was not allowed to put my bike on in the ride free area, I biked all the way to the Convention Center (8 blocks down). Nothing special about this. I have no problem following the rules, whatever, let me just go home.
Any Frances story would not be the same without a "however" brought into the mix. So, to follow the formula...
However, as I was getting off the bus, for some weird reason, I had tripped and hurt my ankle really bad. Because I am ridiculously self conscious and insecure, I had pretended that nothing happened and got off the bus. So what if my ankle was hurting like a motherfucker? I needed to look cool with my fixed gear and get the fuck off the bus. As the bus drove away, standing there with my bike, looking hip of course, I questioned what I should do. My ankle hurt and I thought I was going to pass out from shock. Knowing that Tim and Liz were at my house I questioned calling them and telling them to help me. Then again, if I had called and told them that I hurt myself off the bus, naturally, they would laugh at me and think I was joking. And, if they actually did come, would I really make them carry me home? I don't think so. I have pride.
I ended up limping my way home with my bike in tow. I told Liz and Tim, the friends they are, what happened and I was right. They did laugh at me.
To this day, my ankle still hurts.
4. Somewhere in the Pacific
Every year I go back home to Guam. It's about a 13 hour flight each way which takes its toll on my mental, physical and emotional health. Only recently have I discovered a method to which I can comfortably nap (aside from taking painkillers, but thats also another story). I do so by putting the tray table down and resting my head on it with a pillow. Pretty much how I sleep in class except with a small, travel sized pillow. And I guess having no shame in sleeping.
This year was a particularly hard year for me to leave home. For the first time since 2003, my entire family was on island to celebrate the birth of my sister's third baby. Also, for the first time since I've been coming back every summer, I did not go out and get shit faced/funnel beers/win $200 every weekend. It was quality time with my family and I had no problem with that. Anyway, I am drifting.
On the flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles, sad and fatigued, I took to my normal routine and fell asleep on the tray table. The next thing you know, I feel like I'm getting crushed. Not by crippling sadness that would happen when I leave home but by someone sitting in front of me reclining their chair. It wasn't a swift motion either. The bitch didn't realize that someone could be resting their head on the table (which I could understand why) so she kept pushing back until she got what she wanted. Let's just say she wasn't a very small girl either. Since I am also a pushover, I let her win. It's okay to compromise my comfort for the sake of someone else. I'm just sorry the nice couple next to me had to witness this injustice. I wonder how they're dealing with this.
And those are just to name a few. Do these kinds of things happen to you on a regular basis?
What else have I been up to? Let me list this in bullet form:
- I am in school on an average of 8-10 hours every day. This is my life right now.
- I have been living on my own since I've been back from Guam/There are no squatters in my house
- As of yesterday, I am officially jobless. Seattle's Best Coffee at 1st and Pike lost its lease due to a 20% increase in rent. Starbucks will be there in a couple of months.
- I need an official answer by my stepdad's friend on whether or not I will be working in China next summer. I really need to go back.
- I really, really screwed up when it came to Eamon.
- I made an egg salad sandwich that was too salty but still ate three eggs worth of it.
- I wish I had the time to read books.
- I keep spending money on beer and candy.
- Business classes have been so bad to the extent that Liz and I have to drink before class and have a stockpile of snacks to eat during class.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Passive aggresive
Living in Seattle (somewhat of a poster child for the green campaign) for several years now, I've learned a thing or two about environmental consciousness and doing my part to be sustainable. Passing this information on to the next generation of my family, I actively try to educate them about doing little things in effort to become a little more environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, my nephew took this the wrong way by criticizing his mom. I don't think it is her fault because there is a larger entity that needs to be addressed.
In Seattle, I have been acclimated to the law enforced climate of being penalized if I had not recycled or the witnessing the huge social stigma of driving big cars. However, on Guam, that type of regulation or social ostracism does not exist (unless I am just some white washed statesider and should not impose my super liberal ideals on these people). Although it has not reached the status of streamlined itemized trash, compost and recycling bins, Guam is slowly taking part in the movement to conserve its environment. While the environment is a big issue to consider, there are a number of other structural problems that have had a history of being problematic. The public school system is a classic example- the island's major public high school in the north, Simon Sanchez, has been closed for two and a half weeks past the intended opening day due to the inspection of the buildings and the proceeding failure to pass structural safety. The islands central counterpart, JFK, is indefinitely closed for the same reason. The government prematurely opened its new high school, built to alleviate the overcrowding at Sanchez, manifests itself through the unpaved and potentially hazardous driveway (the only one) into the school. George Washington, another central highschool, is now housing the students at JFK which has resulted in a double session method of the facilities' operations. Let us not even get started on teachers not being paid on time!
I am not condemning Guam to be this terrible place as I attribute a lot of my personality to this place. I grew up here and I am proud to represent this island regardless of where I am. There are just certain issues (or institutions) that need to be questioned. Judging by the number of wooden signs that line the street with the accompanying entourage of sign wavers, something tells me that it is campaigning season around here. Should I stop being so passive aggressive? I think politics is my brother's job.
Instead of attempting to formulate an argument, let me share some pictures that will distract you from more pressing issues of the government:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Peculiarities in list form
My mom thinks I will get raped by everyone
A priest speaks of his days of smoking marijuana
Driving everywhere (no bikes or public transportation) and awkwardly using crosswalks when walking is necessary (only because of high costs of gasoline)
My 5 year old niece being really vulgar (i.e. when speaking to her Dad "we only came here so you could kiss Michael on the lips")
No recycling
How my pants are tighter in humid weather
And I've only been back for a week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Summer: Phase 2
So my computer has unofficially crashed for the third time. I hope my stepfather will be able to recover my files because all my music, pictures and epic, quality papers mean the world to me. Without these things, I am all talk and no pretense. To paint a more pathetic picture, after I heard the news of my destroyed hard drive I have since been mourning. Let us all hope for the best, my heart can only take so much lost files.
I have been hanging out with my niece, nephew and new niece since I've been back. They have grown so much! I like to detach myself from the situation and listen to their dialogue, which always proves to be so entertaining. For example, because my nephew was making fun of my niece for not eating, my niece retaliated by saying that my nephew "pooped on the floor". I think these kids are turning out to be just like their auntie Frances' friends. It is also interesting to see how they interact with their new born sister. They are always willing to help my sister (with or without her permission) take care of the baby. I hope this will continue throughout their teenage years. I also hope that my nieces and nephew turn out to be cool kids.
On the note of sibling relationships-
Before my arrival, my brother told my mom that I like to drink a lot through the means of "funneling" or "beer bonging", which is ridiculous because I have only done that once in my lifetime. So as soon as I get here, my mom kept making comments about "funneling" (which she pronounces as fyoo-neling) and how I should behave myself. Nice, Paulo.
How are you all?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
On Crossing the Threshold
This is what my life has come to-
Selling out
A full bathhouse
Unfinished projects
Not pictured:
Shitty work uniform (I am being generous when I say that)
Frances= Katherine Marie S Mesa
Gay men
Ballard/Top Banana
Coming Up:
1. School is ending in a week and a half
2. No more work after two weeks
3. Dusten is coming
4. San Francisco
5. LA
6. Guam
7. I think my sister is having her baby right now
I'm supposed to be working on a group project but instead I'm watching Curb [Your Enthusiasm] online which, considering Clearwire is a piece of shit, is an uphill battle because my internets is slow.
How is your summer so far? Did you think I forgot about this? Do you want me to write more? I ask a lot of questions?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Do you know that feeling when you've eaten too much and you know that you should poop but are physically unable to? Related to both the writing process and the material to write the paper itself, that is what this last assignment feels like. I have all the necessary equipment to get this paper done but there is something in the way. I'm convinced that this blockage can be rectified (haha, I had to) with the use of some kind of amphetamine but that option does not seem to be a very popular choice among my peers. Maybe I should be friends with people who have ADHD. Until then, I guess my anti-drug is talking about poop, how much I hate writing papers, how much I hate hip shit and talking about myself and how I hate things.
I'd much rather force myself to poop than write this paper.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Early Summer Updates
As usual, it is only appropriate that I find the time to blog when the event of a writing a paper is in effect. Some may call this procrastination but I see it as a writing exercise to get the creative juices flowing. Should I make a reference to poop now? I haven't started yet so I'm not exactly sure what kind of material I can work with.
So I guess my third year of college is over. What do I have to show for this? For one, by this time next year I won't be walking with 2 out of the 3 friends I have at school. I guess I should be happy about the whole CISB/Business School combo but something tells me -maybe it is the preceding email I received from my first Business School professor- that it's going to be a long march until I get to graduate.
Anyway, let's get down to business. This is what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks-
1. Wisdom Teeth Removal (This Thursday)
I am not ready for this.
2. [Not] Working.
I am so poor!
3. Summer School
830-1pm Monday through Thursday for four weeks!
4. Moonstruck is going on tour
06/12-06-22. Support local DIY!
5. Anti-hip scene
Boycotting as much of that list as possible. Not going to happen.
6. Fixed Gear
I don't even want to say anything about this. I am embarrassed.
Speaking of hip-
Liz and Tim, where are you guys? I need you to drive me to the dentist.
Speaking of hip #2-
I know it is extendedly belated but Sasquatch was too hip.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
What I'm getting myself into-
You are signed up for IBUS 300 for Summer Quarter 2008.
This is a fast-paced course requiring readings and class
discussions. Presentations, papers and mid-terms are
also included. Being unprepared for class without a
valid excuse is not a good idea as I will downgrade you.
I will be cold calling in class. If you plan to not
participate in class, you will be downgraded. If this
does not suit your style or needs you may want to drop
this course now and not later.
Name tents are ***REQUIRED*** from the first day of
class and for the rest of the quarter, without exception.
First name on one side and last name on the other - in
a large size font so its easily seen from the front of
the class. If you do not have a name tent the first day
of class or any other sessions, I will drop you from the
course. If you do not have a name tent during the quarter,
I will ask you toleave the room and will mark you as absent.
I also do not expect you to be late and to attend each
and every class session unless you have a valid written excuse.
I will be taking roll each session of the course.
For the first day of class, you are required to read
the first 2 chapters of the text, which is available
from the University Book Store. If during the first day
of class I don't get the needed level of participation,
you can expect a quiz. I will take the liberty to give
quizzes if I find that you are not prepared or do not
participate in class discussions.
I am setting the expectation and tone for this course
and if this does not suit your needs, please exercise
your freedom and drop the course.
Have a safe and relaxed break-
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My Death Wish
1. The Body-
Facial Hair and/or manicured mustache/molestache
Messy hair
Fashion mullets
2. The Outfit-
American Apparel
Skinny jeans
Tight pants
Keds (need to be worn out)
Vans Eras (ditto)
100% cotton, worn in T-shirt
-Some obscure band
Messenger bag
[Sun]Glasses reminiscent of decades past
Vintage track suits
Gold chains
Any combination of these items that are a little too seemingly carelessly put together to actually be carelessly put together
3. The Drink-
Malt liquor/40s
4. The Food-
No corporate chains
Yelp-ed restaurants
Trader Joes
Farmers Markets
5. The Transportation-
Fixed Gear bikes
6. The Neighborhood-
Capitol Hill
Central District
(the older the house, the better. Bricks are key.)
7. The Gear-
Expensive band equipment
Stainless steel water bottles
Apple everything
Second hand everything
8. The Social Life-
Themed parties
Local music circuit
Dive bars
Shotgunning beers
9. The Music-
Animal Collective
Wu-Tang Clan
Anything featured on Pitchfork
David Bowie/Journey/Michael Jackson (because everyone loves that shit at dance parties)
10. The Movies-
Cult films
Star Wars (IV-VI only)
Artsy, experimental
Super obscure
11. The TV Shows-
Arrested Development
Flight Of The Conchords
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Mr. Show
12. The Personality-
Anti-capitalist agenda
Super liberal
Detached cynicism
Liking things that are so bad that its actually good
Independent EVERYTHING
Sorry, it had to be said.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Days 13-20
Day 13:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Over 4 years ago, no idea (probably some thrift store)
What shoes are good for: Pretending like I'm athletic
Pleasant experience in these shoes: In high school, I remember hanging out with some friends (Will was there) and we decided to go to the Jackson Park golf course late at night. Of course this meant that we had to sneak in by navigating through wooded areas. I think that same night we went to another park and lit fireworks. Considering this is illegal in Seattle and since it was dark, the moment my friends set the fireworks off, I got scared and ran away. I remember not being able to see and running with full force into Will.
Day 14:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Two years ago? I have no idea again!
What shoes are good for: Acting like I'm the shit.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I'm pretty sure the Halloween of my freshman year in college I wore these shoes to go with my "librarian" costume. I remember getting shitfaced at some random party. I guess that's pleasant.
Day 15:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: I bought these in December when I was on Guam (in transit from Beijing) at Ross for $15.
What shoes are good for: Walking in urban terrain.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I haven't had much experience in these shoes but I remember buying them mostly because they matched the jacket (houndstooth) that Dusten gave me.
Day 16:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Two winters ago. Eamon bought them for me at Nordstrom. $60?
What shoes are good for: Having warm ankles
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I brought these shoes on the two week excursion to Qinghai/Gansu because I was told that it would be cold there. Since these shoes are lined with some kind of fur, I figured that translates into warmth. However, I soon discovered that although my ankles are nice and warm, the soles of the damn shoe suck. So, while we were at Blue Lake in Qinghai picking trash up, my feet immediately got wet while walking on the beach. Son of a bitch. My feet weren't even that warm.
Day 17:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Last fall in Beijing (Xidan shopping district) for about 40yuan (~$4)
What shoes are good for: Looking like plastic
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I can't really say much about these shoes because I haven't really worn them. Do you notice a trend of me not wearing shoes? I guess you could say that the interview I had on the day that I wore these was pleasant. Let's just hope I get the job or else these shoes will be a reminder of the day that I could've sold myself better.
Day 18:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Senior year in high school. Journeys (sorry guys) for$30?
What shoes are good for: Being commercial
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I really need to wear different pairs of shoes more often. I can't think of any past experiences in these shoes. Again, I did have a pleasant experience on the day I wore these shoes. That was the day Tim and I went to Lunchbox Laboratory and almost gave ourselves heart attacks (I think Tim had a minor one but didn't realize it), got shitfaced and went to the French Kicks show (which sucked).
Day 19:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Three years ago when I worked at the Gap for like $5. I don't think these are outdoor shoes?
What shoes are good for: Making myself vulnerable to slipping in public.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I've actually had more bad experiences in these shoes because of the lack of soles. I actually wore these shoes on the same day as the Day 15 shoes but that was the day where I underestimated the weather and didn't prepare myself for adverse weather. My feet were wet, the ground was slippery and I'm pretty sure I could've been hurt terribly if I went on in these shoes. You know how much I hate wet clothing.
Day 20:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Some time in high school. Urban Outfitters $50.
What shoes are good for: Kicking it and listening to the underground shit
Pleasant experience in these shoes:I always feel weird wearing these shoes because they don't quite look right on me. I feel like I should only wear baggy pants or urban gear to match these shoes. I don't know why I bought these. Perhaps its because everyone had a pair. Not a good reason.
I only have 4 more days left of shoes! Are you guys excited for me? I'm pretty excited because I'm tired of having to wear these bullshit shoes. I refuse to get rid of them because these shoes (as a collective) act as the first defense if anyone tries to break in my house.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's ironic how I grew up on Guam where I was exposed to hot weather year round but now that I live in Seattle, when similar weather occurs, I go crazy. Hot weather, especially when I'm at home, can easily induce sleep. In the last two days, without even knowing, I've passed out on my bed for hours at a time because it was too hot to move. Tonight, for example, I had ambitious plans of finishing my homework early. I was about 10% there until I fell asleep for three hours. Now it's almost midnight and I have no completed assignments to my name. Why do I do this to myself? I need to stop sleeping so much.
Did I tell you that I even have scheduled naps when I'm at school? On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when I am at school from 9-5pm, I take power naps at the Suzallo/Allen bridge area after having lunch with Liz and Tim. Considering our hearty [ride-or-die] appetites, a lot of energy is dedicated to digesting after eating so it is only appropriate for me to take naps. Now that you know my secret, I hope you don't come harass me because nap time is precious time.
I'm not in the proper condition to continue writing in paragraphs because I am still half sedated from guerrilla napping.
1. I miss high school buddies and yes, that includes Eamon. Everyone is doing their own thing these days. I need to hang out with them. Which can segue into-
2. Folklife this weekend. It's been a tradition, kind of.
3. My brother is coming in Thursday night. He says I have to schedule a photoshoot for headshots.
4. Sasquatch on Monday. I wonder how that will be.
These pictures were taken around the same time.
Three years ago:
Wyatt, Eamon and Dana at Folklife
Eamon, Will and Dana in Wedgwood
Two years ago-

Eamon, Dana and Will (Barnacles -Martin) in Olympia

Eamon and Dana at Folklife
One year ago. (RIP bike)-
Dana somewhere in Capitol Hill
Vanity and I at Westlake
This weekend-
Tim and Liz on the way to Chop Suey
Liz and cat by my house (And yes, she is pooping)
Goodnight everyone, I have a paper to write. Ask me about my windbreaker sometime.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My Mom's Concern
10 Tips for Getting Along with People at Work
1. Keep a tight rein on your tongue
How you say something counts for far more than what you say. How many times have you been chastised on the job by your supervisor, and you walked away angry because of the tone of voice used? When confronted with a difficult situation, always say less than you think. Curbing your tongue in a stressful situation will be more likely to create fewer stressful situations because how you handle yourself in a crisis will give others confidence in you and in their ability to bring problems and issues to your attention.
2. Be careful what you promise to others
If you intend to make promises, you had better be prepared to keep them, no matter what the cost. The easiest way to lose the respect of others is by guaranteeing things that you are either unable or unwilling to deliver. When you tell someone that you intend to do something, it is your responsibility to see to it that you follow through. Others will note an irresponsible attitude and be wary of approaching you on any level in the future if you continually break your promises.
3. Be kind and encouraging to others
Never let an opportunity to show kindness or encouragement to others to pass you by. Praise good work, regardless of who did it. Sometimes you can turn even the most hardened of your fellow workers into real softies once they realize that you are not afraid to compliment them or give encouraging words, despite how they may perceive you ordinarily. At the same time, when giving criticism, do it helpfully and gently, never spitefully. Show concern for another's feelings and well being. You will benefit greatly from even the smallest kindness shown.
4. Take an interest in other people
Learn about others' interests, their homes and families, and even their problems. Gaining the confidence of fellow workers is made much easier when you demonstrate that you have a caring attitude. When others are joyful, rejoice with them; when troubled or in mourning, be sympathetic. Let everyone with whom you have contact, no matter how humble, realize that you regard them as people of importance.
5. Be cheerful
We all carry a load of some sort, and although the old saying "misery loves company" is still widely held up as truth, keep in mind that making others miserable is truly a disservice. Don't dwell on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments. Maintaining a cheerful attitude at all times will not only make others more comfortable in your presence, but you will feel better as well.
6. Keep an open mind
Don't let yourself get into arguments. Discuss things with people rather than argue. Being disagreeable is likely to put others off; they will much prefer to deal with those who have a calm and reasoned approach. When confronted with a situation that you either disapprove of, or dislike, keep this in mind: it is the mark of a superior mind that can disagree without being disagreeable.
7. Be mindful of only your own vices and virtues
Refuse to discuss others' vices or problems. Don't allow gossip to rule your life. Tearing down another to prop yourself up is an extraordinary waste of time; furthermore, it can be very destructive. Especially in the workplace, morale is vitally important. When we lift our voices against others, we open ourselves to the thought, "I wonder what they say about me behind my back!"
8. Be careful of others' feelings
Humor at another's expense is rarely worth the trouble. Not only that, the hurt and pain felt by that person will often come when least expected. Take into account another person's feelings before you poke fun. Things said in jest are often the sharpest barbs to be felt.
9. Pay no attention to what others say about you
Remember, the person making snide or rude comments about you may not be well informed. Live in such a way that what is said about you cannot be taken to heart. Let your own actions determine how others see you, and that they will not believe the negative things said.
10. Don't worry about credit which is due you
Do your best. It's the best you can do. Concerning yourself about how much credit you receive will only burden you with more stress. Let others see your work ethic, and you will be able to take pride and pleasure in a job well done.