Tuesday, June 10, 2008


To commemorate this last paper I have to write for the quarter (and probably for the rest of my undergraduate career), for posterity's sake, let me relate the process to some kind of bowel movement. As I've mentioned, this is the last assignment I have to do for the quarter. As usual, I had a lot of time to accomplish this, giving me the opportunity to have several days to frolic about and enjoy the little time I have before another segment of school (which I will not be dropping out of, by the way Liz). And, as usual, I spent a lot of this time whining about how I don't want to write the paper while reassuring myself that I'll get it done at some reasonable time before I must turn it in. This cycle is all too predictable. You would think that I would learn from the collective mental breakdowns but once again I've cast myself as the victim.

Do you know that feeling when you've eaten too much and you know that you should poop but are physically unable to? Related to both the writing process and the material to write the paper itself, that is what this last assignment feels like. I have all the necessary equipment to get this paper done but there is something in the way. I'm convinced that this blockage can be rectified (haha, I had to) with the use of some kind of amphetamine but that option does not seem to be a very popular choice among my peers. Maybe I should be friends with people who have ADHD. Until then, I guess my anti-drug is talking about poop, how much I hate writing papers, how much I hate hip shit and talking about myself and how I hate things.

I'd much rather force myself to poop than write this paper.

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