According to my mom, I shouldn't eat "dunking donuts", instead I should opt for fresh fruit. While I understand what she means by this (although slightly off content-wise), the situation wouldn't be as weird if she had not segued from having my brother "off her list" for not calling anymore. At this point there is no doubt that my conversational skills are hereditary.
My mom and I talked about how I have been eating a lot more lately, attributed to my newfound interest (or epiphany) in cooking for myself. I had mentioned that I feel like I have been gaining weight and she responded that I should 1. stop eating rice (which she has mentioned many times when she had taken notice of my growing ass) and 2. in lieu of riding my bike, I should "jump around" my apartment as a form of exercise. These alternative means to losing weight/exercise seem to be doing wonders for her. Apparently, her recent weight loss is a direct relation of her dancing with my niece, Reena, when she babysits. There are more helpful guidelines to my diet but I will save you the ridiculousness of it all. You know how parents are.
Aside from me gaining weight and my impending weight loss regimen, I feel overworked from school. For example today I had a Operations Management midterm, tomorrow I have a Finance quiz and will be on campus till 8pm, Friday I have a Chinese quiz, a group meeting for a Finance project and another group meeting for I BUS and finally (not really), I have a Chinese test on Monday. For the next three weeks, my schedule will probably resemble this structure. How would I have ever survived with a part time job? I realize that this workload is probably a piece of cake for some but still, is it really necessary to constantly test our intelligence and dedication to the subject matter? Do our teachers really not trust us?
Probably not, considering that I spent a good amount of time replacing words with "cock", "penis" or "vagina" or making any sort of reference to sex or blowjobs at the end of sentences, as well as drawing penises on the pictures on Tom's notes in class today*. I am probably a decent model for how our teachers do not trust our dedication. And I want to be a teacher...
Which brings me to how I also spoke to my stepdad about my prospective internship this summer. In the end, I am guaranteed an internship in either Singapore, mainland China or Taiwan in some kind of hotel. While this is great considering I don't have to actually compete for a spot, I haven't broken the news about how I hate big business and would rather do nonprofit/education work. Then again, I still need to do an internship in order to graduate with a CISB degree. It's tough!
I mentioned my work intensive week but I am doing nothing to relieve any (future) stress, like studying or doing research. This is what I am doing- eating hot Cheetos, sitting in my underpants, listening to music and planning on reading some comics. This is what I want to be doing- writing my essay for that China essay contest, applying for internships that I would enjoy, have time to read the new comics and magazines I bought and eating more chips.
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