Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bend Over Boyfriend

It has come to my attention that more of the current events in my life that were previously posted in bullet form have resulted in more of a public reaction than those silly things that happened. I had not anticipated this thinking that you may be looking for a fun read, something to keep you distracted from any real work or perhaps an instrument to visualize me in social situations (I can assure you that it is an interesting experience). I should give you more credit, you really do care about my welfare.

While it is proper to address these concerns (i.e. my relationship with Eamon or why I love China), I refuse to do so (at this time) in lieu of the fact that I do not feel like exposing my fears, hopes, dreams and insecurities. Instead, let me update you, again in bullet form, as to what petty things are occurring in my life.

  • I will be visiting my brother in DC over winter break. It will be my first time visiting the East coast!
  • I'm compiling a list of Business School conspiracies that really just shows how much of a whiny, lazy student I am. However, I really do believe that there is the spirit of conspiracy that resides within buying books for these classes.
  • Pegging (both receiving and giving)
  • Preparing meals for myself
  • Going to Hump! Finally!
Now you have to guess which one is false.

I guess I'll post something with something of a little more substance (or at least provides you all with a fun, exciting story) next time.

In the mean time, the apple does not fall far from the tree. The lady in the purple shirt is the woman who tells me that I should "make [myself] valuable" and that "guys don't like loose girls". I can only hope I can provide my own daughters with similar valuable words of advice. My dad is pretty hip too.

(Left-Right) Lola, Lolo (my dad's parents), Angel (my sister), mom, dad.

This picture was taken sometime in the early 80s at this park called "Ngayon Pilipino" in Metro Manila, Philippines. We used to go there as a family during our summer vacations. From what I remember, Ngayon Pilipino was a park full of small-scale versions of various Philippine landmarks. If I'm not mistaken, the landmark that they are posed in front of is Mayon Volcano that is located in Bicol, where my mom (and supposedly, all the beautiful women of the Philippines) comes from.

1 comment:

kadbot47 said...

FRAAANCESCA. It's me Kad, your long lost pal. I had a dream about you! It was very strange. It involved me spotting you at a wedding reception while stealing (or borrowing?) a platter of sausage and sandwich meat wrapped in foil. Ooh yeah and me being extremely uncoordinated and dipping my hair in the food. It sucked. Guess what? Remember like 2 or three years ago for my birthday we went to that rally and there was a political hiphop group performing and I knew one of the guys? WEll, we got married a year and a half ago and I have a six month old baby named Sabah. He's soooo cool. I'm just at home with him and taking online classes. I live in Covington now (near kent) (near Auburn) (near cows and llamas)which is interesting but I like that it's quiet. Email me, foo.