(From left to right- day 9-12 respectively. I know its dark but get over it you pieces of shit.)
Day 9
I have no idea where I bought these from. Probably some second hand store for real cheap. I have the best luck buying new shoes from second hand stores! I think I've had these for at least two years? I really don't know. These shoes are good for fitting in with little old ladies.
Day 10
Refer to day 5 below. The only thing that distinguishes this pair from the gold ones is that these used to be my work shoes so that means that they are fucking disgusting from all the milk/icecream/dirt/poop residue that I get from work. These shoes aren't good for anything.
Day 11
Journeys, $40. Sorry, I didn't get them from a hip store like all you motherfuckers out there. These shoes made the trip to China with me last year so thats why they are dirty. This is the other pair of shoes that I constantly wear. These shoes are good for pretending like you know something.
Day 12
Value Village for $5. They were new! One of my coworkers asked me if I weaved these shoes my self. I said no. These also made the trip to China. I'd like to think these are my sunny weather shoes. When I was in China, I wore these shoes so much that I got a tan line on my feet. It's not very attractive. These shoes are falling apart as we speak. Regardless of how shitty they will be, I refuse to throw them away for posterity's sake. These shoes are the reason why I'm friends with a certain group of people. Do you want to know the story? These shoes are good for attracting cute boys, dancing and making people think you weave your own things.
Can you tell I'm losing enthusiasm? I'm getting to the point in this project where I have to start being creative about what I wear since I have to match it with performance/athletic shoes. Maybe now is a good time to start wearing sweatpants/spandex.
Nothing else to say today. I'm beat. Look at this funny person-
1 comment:
post mo pitchas from last night.
''i am a lumber jack!!!!!''
big freaks, gimme my clothes back
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