I bought these shoes at Urban Outfitters downtown for probably less than $10. I didn't really want the shoes but they were cheap. I think that is the Filipino bargain hunter in me. You wouldn't understand. I think I bought them around Christmas 2007. These shoes are ridiculously comfortable. The thing I hate about these shoes is that the dye will rub off onto my feet and it is really unattractive. It also doesn't wash off in one go so my feet have a waning blue hue for a couple of days. These shoes are good for when you need to have blue feet.
Day 7
I cheated and bought these shoes this weekend. Don't judge me. How could I resist? Look at those laces! And the blinding whiteness! They were from Red Light and they were $15. I haven't had much experience with these shoes but they seem promising. I believe they will be good for being a spectator at a tennis match, power walking and being around people who wear visors for practical purposes.
Day 8 (Today)
One of my friends was donating a bunch of shit so, seeing that I love free/cheap things, economically disadvantaged AND could benefit from charity, I took these shoes. It's a triple threat! I've had them since the summer of 2006. There is no good reason for why I don't wear these shoes. Maybe its because they're brown. They are good for urban sprints, stepping on things and fitting in with the crowd.
So I spent some time coming up with two lists- one of which is a list of ways I would hate to die and the other a list of unnatural ways I'd prefer to die. I feel kind of weird posting it because I think it may come off as insensitive or even offensive to some people. Don't even ask me why I have to write about my death. I'm not depressed.
Should I or should I not post it?
I'm tired and I need to catch up on sleep. I'll do this later.
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