Dear Readers,
If there is one skill I'm really good at, it would have to be my ability to rationalize my actions, namely in relation to displacing things. Today's execution of that skill would be spending the afternoon rotating my closet for hot weather, taping more things to my wall and "cleaning my room" instead of working on a paper due on Monday. The two papers that I've spent all nighters have recently been returned, one paper was mediocre and the other was terrible! Something tells me that I shouldn't rely on all nighters as the means of producing papers. Something also tells me that I'll be just fine. I think we can all expect a frantic post indicating my inability to write with some sort of comparison to poop. I'm becoming too predictable, I need to come up with some new material.
There are two things I really wanted to address for today's post, both in relation to living by myself-
1. I snack enough to have a small supply of snacks hidden around my room. I don't intentionally hide these things, they kind of just get lost in the piles of clothes and papers. When we were younger, my brother, sister and I would all read my sister's collection of Baby Sitter's Club during long periods of power outages that followed a typhoon. I remember that my favorite character was Claudia because not only was she the first introduced minority of the series but also she was kind of a hipster illustrated through her distinct fashion style. I also remembered that she always had snacks hidden throughout her entire room and whenever they had BSC meetings, she'd always be snacking. Is this uncanny foreshadowing? Maybe I subconsciously internalized her habits because I want to be a hipster. Maybe. No. (I don't hate people with bikes or glasses but those who have a combination of the two are questionable, FYI)
2. I have an obsession with taping things to my wall. In the post before this, I mention that I have papers taped on my wall that have important information on them. However, it doesn't stop at that. There is a good portion of my wall that is covered by pictures of pictures from National Geographic Magazine, on the wall parallel to that is a wall full of old receipts, sharing the same wall is my newest addition which is basically old Chinese homework assignments that I've used to its maximum by practicing characters on it. Aside from attempting to make my own recycled paper (which I don't know how to do but would love to learn), I couldn't think of anything else to do with it except to tape it on my wall. It's weird. I think I lack creativity so I just tape things to the wall to make up for that. Or to make a statement. I don't know!
I feel like I should be taking pictures of things but I am really lazy. Perhaps this weekend.
Things I'm Looking Forward To In The Near Future:
1. Show on Friday
-[Getting] Shitty
2. Olympia on Saturday
-The Jackson house yard sale where my old things are being sold
-Prom show with Calvin Johnson and Karl Blau
3. Memorial Day weekend
-Paulo is coming
-I have Friday-Monday off
-Sasquatch with the gays
Anyway, I don't want to spoil you readers too much. I need to keep myself viable through limiting my posts. I know you guys want me [to write more].
Denim cut-offs and boots. Everyone should have that outfit for summer.
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