Dear Readers-
I'm sorry but Day 6 and 7 of the shoe project will have to wait. I am in the process of writing a paper that is unimpressive as it is painstakingly slow to produce. I would describe this as an unproductive bowel movement, constipation if you will, regardless of the amount of mental laxatives* I've consumed. Do you like how I always relate writing a paper to poop? That's usually the content of my papers anyway.
The paper I am currently writing discusses Foucault's claims concerning power in regards to the body and sexuality. Again, similar to last week's episode, I address the hegemonic role of institutions and their constant dissemination of ideologies regarding the morality of our bodies, our perceptions of beauty, sexuality etc. and how they are so deeply ingrained in society to the point where we do not question or challenge but rather participate in the cycle. I focus on a woman's body because, hey, I'm a babe. Women's bodies are highly sexualized because of their role as the child-bearing bodies and, as a result, they are [both women and their bodies] seen as public interest and an object to control. I then discuss the media as the regulating body to illustrate the short term reign of Vanessa Williams as the first black Miss America as well as coverage of "Freaknik" and the violence against women. I'm not exactly sure.
It is now 10:20pm and once again I have stayed up for more than 24 hours writing this stupid paper. I wish I had better skills when it comes to organizing my thoughts or making a legitimate argument because I feel that both these papers do not have any of those qualities.
On a better note, I hung out with Eamon today and he gave me some fruit from Top Banana including some muscat grapes, yellow mangoes, some orange variety and a pink lady apple. Now I just have to wait for my reparation checks.
These are some things that I need to do:
1. Study for Chinese test
2. Finish my laundry
3. Take a ridiculously good shower
4. Sleep like/with a bear.
*The word "laxative" could not come to mind so, in hopes of stumbling across it by searching its definition, I Googled "things that will make you poop" and "remedies to constipation". It didn't exactly help me find the word but I did find some interesting things that will make me poop!
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