Day 13:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Over 4 years ago, no idea (probably some thrift store)
What shoes are good for: Pretending like I'm athletic
Pleasant experience in these shoes: In high school, I remember hanging out with some friends (Will was there) and we decided to go to the Jackson Park golf course late at night. Of course this meant that we had to sneak in by navigating through wooded areas. I think that same night we went to another park and lit fireworks. Considering this is illegal in Seattle and since it was dark, the moment my friends set the fireworks off, I got scared and ran away. I remember not being able to see and running with full force into Will.
Day 14:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Two years ago? I have no idea again!
What shoes are good for: Acting like I'm the shit.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I'm pretty sure the Halloween of my freshman year in college I wore these shoes to go with my "librarian" costume. I remember getting shitfaced at some random party. I guess that's pleasant.
Day 15:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: I bought these in December when I was on Guam (in transit from Beijing) at Ross for $15.
What shoes are good for: Walking in urban terrain.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I haven't had much experience in these shoes but I remember buying them mostly because they matched the jacket (houndstooth) that Dusten gave me.
Day 16:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Two winters ago. Eamon bought them for me at Nordstrom. $60?
What shoes are good for: Having warm ankles
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I brought these shoes on the two week excursion to Qinghai/Gansu because I was told that it would be cold there. Since these shoes are lined with some kind of fur, I figured that translates into warmth. However, I soon discovered that although my ankles are nice and warm, the soles of the damn shoe suck. So, while we were at Blue Lake in Qinghai picking trash up, my feet immediately got wet while walking on the beach. Son of a bitch. My feet weren't even that warm.
Day 17:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Last fall in Beijing (Xidan shopping district) for about 40yuan (~$4)
What shoes are good for: Looking like plastic
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I can't really say much about these shoes because I haven't really worn them. Do you notice a trend of me not wearing shoes? I guess you could say that the interview I had on the day that I wore these was pleasant. Let's just hope I get the job or else these shoes will be a reminder of the day that I could've sold myself better.
Day 18:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Senior year in high school. Journeys (sorry guys) for$30?
What shoes are good for: Being commercial
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I really need to wear different pairs of shoes more often. I can't think of any past experiences in these shoes. Again, I did have a pleasant experience on the day I wore these shoes. That was the day Tim and I went to Lunchbox Laboratory and almost gave ourselves heart attacks (I think Tim had a minor one but didn't realize it), got shitfaced and went to the French Kicks show (which sucked).
Day 19:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Three years ago when I worked at the Gap for like $5. I don't think these are outdoor shoes?
What shoes are good for: Making myself vulnerable to slipping in public.
Pleasant experience in these shoes: I've actually had more bad experiences in these shoes because of the lack of soles. I actually wore these shoes on the same day as the Day 15 shoes but that was the day where I underestimated the weather and didn't prepare myself for adverse weather. My feet were wet, the ground was slippery and I'm pretty sure I could've been hurt terribly if I went on in these shoes. You know how much I hate wet clothing.
Day 20:
When (or how long), Where & How Much: Some time in high school. Urban Outfitters $50.
What shoes are good for: Kicking it and listening to the underground shit
Pleasant experience in these shoes:I always feel weird wearing these shoes because they don't quite look right on me. I feel like I should only wear baggy pants or urban gear to match these shoes. I don't know why I bought these. Perhaps its because everyone had a pair. Not a good reason.
I only have 4 more days left of shoes! Are you guys excited for me? I'm pretty excited because I'm tired of having to wear these bullshit shoes. I refuse to get rid of them because these shoes (as a collective) act as the first defense if anyone tries to break in my house.