Tuesday, December 7, 2010


US embassy cables: African countries prefer Chinese aid to US-China cooperation
"Sunkuli claimed that Africa was better off thanks to China's practical, bilateral approach to development assistance and was concerned that this would be changed by "Western" interference. He said he saw no concrete benefit for Africa in even minimal cooperation. Sunkuli said Africans were frustrated by Western insistence on capacity building, which translated, in his eyes, into conferences and seminars (REF C). They instead preferred China's focus on infrastructure and tangible projects."
Since they seem to be a crowd favorite in Africa, I won't be surprised if China becomes the new hot thing in international aid. I could only imagine what goes on in meetings between aid recipients and US aid organizations- a lot of buzzwords, synergy and empowerment workshops coupled with feasability reports and market research  while China has built roads and power lines.

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