Tuesday, December 7, 2010


看热闹儿 kan4 re1nao er - "To watch the fun". Usually used in reference to an event in which people crowd around to watch.

I’ve seen more street fights in a month in China than I have ever witnessed my entire life. The reason could come from many things- perhaps people in the States are more discreet about their first fighting or resort to passive aggressiveness (the spirit of the Northwest). What is more interesting than the fist fights, however, is the crowd that forms around these fights. From petty shouting matches to actual bloody fist fights, people have no shame in gathering around with their hands behind their backs and casually watch, spending a few minutes watching and then shuffling off with their miniature dogs. In America, this type of event would rarely happen, possibly because we are conditioned to believe that it is not polite to stare and that we should help those in need. So when encountering a fight, more often than not, bystanders become empowered with the spirit of the love for mankind and quickly put an end to these blasphemous actions. It’s another thing for the men of the law. In America, who isn't afraid of the cops? But in China, I’ve noticed the nonchalance as well as the blatant disregard by the police when it comes to disorderly conduct. Is this a no man’s land? Without guns, that is.

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