Monday, January 12, 2009

A memo

Dear Frances,

It has been brought to my attention from several other departments that you are experiencing some difficulties that have ultimately affected your work. Here at Frances Pontemayor, our mission is to create an environment in which all sectors work together to produce the best results for our sole client, Frances. Our greatest asset is our employees as we can only achieve success through them. However, it is to my extreme disappointment to hear that your actions have negative results, impacting our organization as a whole.

I understand that there are many factors, both internal and external, that affect your work. Having a demanding 18 credit quarter, working 14 hours a week and maintaining a social life including a male counterpart is indeed a balancing act. But I must remind you that you are doing this for the greater good, let us not forget what we are working towards. I recall in our earlier encounters the types of goals you had set for yourself- You want to travel the world, teach children, get published, make a positive impact on the world, regardless of how big or small it may be. In my recent observation, your attitude has been moving in the opposite direction of attaining these goals. Your sense of worthlessness, lack of motivation and negativity has permeated the atmosphere of our organization causing a chain reaction of productivity issues. There should be no excuse for this.

Your performance in our company's history is nothing short of commendable. You have accomplished so much in your time with us. Just last quarter, you were able to successfully pass your first quarter in the Business School with a demanding 18 credit course load. Let us also not forget where you have been; your experiences is an inspiration to both your fellow employees as well as Frances herself. You have sacrificed many things to get to where you are today and it would be a shame to see it all go to waste.

I have identified several solutions to your predicament, the first is to purchase multivitamins to address what your diet lacks, namely vitamin B which I'm sure has a stake in your depression. Second, I think it is a wonderful thing that you have started writing short stories again, regardless of the fact that you write during classes and in the margins of your notes. We will address this problem at a later time. Regardless, please continue with your writing. Third of all and most importantly, please refrain from putting too much emphasis on your [romantic] relationship. If it is one thing that our client is still recovering from, it is the results of her previous relationship. Let us not have that happen again. In the end, all I wish is for you to remember that you should be doing what is best for yourself.

Your health and well being is a great concern to our organization and I would hate to resort to extreme measures in dealing with this predicament. Please remember, I value you as a member of our team and I would like nothing more than to see you happy.

Your experience with us is only as good as you want it to be.



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