Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Is What I Like To See

From the New York Times-

WASHINGTON — The economic stimulus plan that Congress has scheduled for a vote on Wednesday would shower the nation’s school districts, child care centers and university campuses with $150 billion in new federal spending, a vast two-year investment that would more than double the Department of Education’s current budget.

The proposed emergency expenditures on nearly every realm of education, including school renovation, special education, Head Start and grants to needy college students, would amount to the largest increase in federal aid since Washington began to spend significantly on education after World War II. Link to article.


I like the sound of that, let us hope they approve it. Isn't that good news? I'm not too worried about the provisions of the package, somehow I am comforted knowing that it is a Democratic majority in Congress. We will see, I suppose.

A random fact: I love garlic.
Surprising fact: I think I've been eating too many chips lately, I am not compelled to force handfuls of chips into my mouth.

I have two tests on Thursday. :(

Monday, January 26, 2009


Miscellaneous DC-

Peacock Room at the Freer Art Gallery

Smithsonian Castle

This is me as of 11pm, Monday night-

I wish I could have three day weekends like most seniors in the Business School.

I will be on a self appointed job deferral after I graduate because I am going to teach English somewhere (like I could find a job anyway)

I just finished watching My Kid Could Paint That, I enjoyed the themes addressed as well as the production of the documentary

I wish it was warm because I don't like wearing a lot of clothes.

I heard BirdNote on NPR today and thought it was terif.

El Guincho


Tell me what I should write about. I am uninspired.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vital Stats

My neighbor violently knocked on our mutual wall, suggesting -with no shame- that I should turn my music down. What an asshole. I hate my life.


I love these random surveys people fill and publish for the world to see, mostly because I feel like it is an indirect way for people to talk about themselves without being too conspicuous about it. If you didn't know already, that is my preferred way of speech!

(Taken off a Myspace Bulletin, arbitrarily chosen)

Never in my life have I been :
desperate for alternative activities to homework, I've reached a low when I rationalize filling out a stupid survey.

I hate it when:
the bathroom door is open- two words: poop particles. my hair is wet- wet hair equates a wet shirt, wet pillow, moistness. my feet are cold- does not need an explanation.

If your gonna talk smack about me:
I would like to have a fist fight- this has been a lifelong goal.

When I'm nervous:
I laugh, it's especially an inconvenience during Chinese presentations.

The last song I listened to was:
Banshee Bat- Animal Collective

If you were to get married today ur maid of honor/best man would be?
None of this roleplaying bullshit in my wedding- mostly because I have trouble making decisions.

My hair is:
on its way to becoming reminiscent of an island princess/bird's nest, it will be my new spring look.

When I was 5:
I read Childcraft, went to Montessori and wore color coordinated outfits, complete with hair accessories and lacy socks.

Last Christmas:
my brother got an Xbox 360, I got birth control. I also met a cat named Ted.

I should be:
doing work in the form of 1. finishing my section of the powerpoint 2. reading for class 3. cross-stitching 4. considering how I am going to pay for bills

When I look down:
there are boxes of varying sizes- a small mountain of empty cigarette boxes, a lunchbox full of pens, boxes for electronics that I've saved with the intention of repackaging them for when times are tough and must liquidate my personal belongings (impending).

My current annoyance is:
time and how I am abusing it

I have a hard time understanding:
my neurosis

There's this girl that i know:
and she's a Chinese lesbian

The thing I want to buy is:
a videocamera, a plane ticket somewhere

If you visited the place I'm from:
First of all, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that it exists. Second of all, you would get cabin fever after a week.

Most recent thing I've bought myself:
more birth control- I have to get those numbers up.

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
cranberry juice- it's because I got those numbers up.

My middle name is:

In the morning:
I will have to bullshit through school

Last night I was:
watching Defiance with Dana, Marie and Alex

If I was an animal I'd be:
some sort of silly bird. Hopefully not a worm or wormlike creature because I would hate that.

Tomorrow I am:
bullshitting through school

Tonight I am:
not relieving myself of any future problems, feeling sorry for myself, hating my house.


With all the formalities now taken care of, I am curious to see how the Obama administration will carry out its agenda. I don't know about you, but I'm antsy to see this change business that is so frequently mentioned.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


My brother introduced me to this artist, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, when he took me to the National Gallery of Art in DC. I like his work. I have nothing more to say.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Death Of Me

This is Ted. He is 15 years old, 20 pounds and diabetic. I want to hear about how cute you think he is!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A memo

Dear Frances,

It has been brought to my attention from several other departments that you are experiencing some difficulties that have ultimately affected your work. Here at Frances Pontemayor, our mission is to create an environment in which all sectors work together to produce the best results for our sole client, Frances. Our greatest asset is our employees as we can only achieve success through them. However, it is to my extreme disappointment to hear that your actions have negative results, impacting our organization as a whole.

I understand that there are many factors, both internal and external, that affect your work. Having a demanding 18 credit quarter, working 14 hours a week and maintaining a social life including a male counterpart is indeed a balancing act. But I must remind you that you are doing this for the greater good, let us not forget what we are working towards. I recall in our earlier encounters the types of goals you had set for yourself- You want to travel the world, teach children, get published, make a positive impact on the world, regardless of how big or small it may be. In my recent observation, your attitude has been moving in the opposite direction of attaining these goals. Your sense of worthlessness, lack of motivation and negativity has permeated the atmosphere of our organization causing a chain reaction of productivity issues. There should be no excuse for this.

Your performance in our company's history is nothing short of commendable. You have accomplished so much in your time with us. Just last quarter, you were able to successfully pass your first quarter in the Business School with a demanding 18 credit course load. Let us also not forget where you have been; your experiences is an inspiration to both your fellow employees as well as Frances herself. You have sacrificed many things to get to where you are today and it would be a shame to see it all go to waste.

I have identified several solutions to your predicament, the first is to purchase multivitamins to address what your diet lacks, namely vitamin B which I'm sure has a stake in your depression. Second, I think it is a wonderful thing that you have started writing short stories again, regardless of the fact that you write during classes and in the margins of your notes. We will address this problem at a later time. Regardless, please continue with your writing. Third of all and most importantly, please refrain from putting too much emphasis on your [romantic] relationship. If it is one thing that our client is still recovering from, it is the results of her previous relationship. Let us not have that happen again. In the end, all I wish is for you to remember that you should be doing what is best for yourself.

Your health and well being is a great concern to our organization and I would hate to resort to extreme measures in dealing with this predicament. Please remember, I value you as a member of our team and I would like nothing more than to see you happy.

Your experience with us is only as good as you want it to be.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

How cute is this?

July 2006. Javen was 7, Alora was 3.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter 2009

Monday, Wednesday

10:30-11:20 Third Year Chinese (Non Heritage)
12:30-2:20 Business, Government and Society
2:30-4:20 Organizational Behavior

Tuesdays, Thursdays

8:30-10:20 International Marketing
10:30-11:20 Third Year Chinese
1:00-6:00 Internship (5:00pm on Thursdays)
6:30-8:00 CISB Seminar (Thursdays only)

10:30-11:20 Third Year Chinese
1:00-6:00 Internship

I have to say that I really, really like chips.