I think I would like to be an elementary school teacher someday. What better way to make an impact on this world than to have the opportunity to educate (minus NCLB) our future leaders? I've run this idea by several people and they all think I am joking, perhaps its because I have issues interacting with people. They are not wrong for thinking this because it is true, I have terrible social skills. When it comes to kids however (how many of you have actually seen me with children?), that is another story. What are your opinions on this issue?
More to come about this later. I have a speech to memorize in Chinese.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mid-Week Weekend
Today is my mid-week weekend, which is my way of saying it is my "easy" day where I'm on campus for "only" six hours, rather than the standard 8-10. I wish I could say that I spent the extra two hours at home accordingly, instead I worked on Operations Management homework and worked on my Chinese midterm. The most noteworthy part of my mid-week weekend celebration was preparing myself an excellent dinner which my mother (who I learned the recipe from) would be proud of.
Earlier today I was interviewed by a group of students doing some kind of social experiment involving object identification. I figured they pegged me for being a person who likes to party because of my red Keds and silly hat. Rather than objecting their cause through my socially awkward antics, I gladly obliged-
(Pulling a miniature wooden cross out of his pocket) "What is the first thing you think of when you see this?"
"And why do you think of Jesus?"
"Because he died on a cross for our sins."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a seasonal Catholic. Only when the family is around."
"Alright, thats all we need from you. Thanks for your time!"
What a great way to start the day! I think I compromised my image of a person who likes to party with my Jesus speak. Oh well. I refuse to do homework for the rest of the night/my life.
Earlier today I was interviewed by a group of students doing some kind of social experiment involving object identification. I figured they pegged me for being a person who likes to party because of my red Keds and silly hat. Rather than objecting their cause through my socially awkward antics, I gladly obliged-
(Pulling a miniature wooden cross out of his pocket) "What is the first thing you think of when you see this?"
"And why do you think of Jesus?"
"Because he died on a cross for our sins."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a seasonal Catholic. Only when the family is around."
"Alright, thats all we need from you. Thanks for your time!"
What a great way to start the day! I think I compromised my image of a person who likes to party with my Jesus speak. Oh well. I refuse to do homework for the rest of the night/my life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tim's line
Tim's line
我不太同意你的看法。不少中文式的英文标志,不但是误译,有的时候还错得令人的惊讶。为什么会出现这种情况呢?我想是因为中文词有很多的意思。上个星期我跟一个朋友去吃饭,在菜单里写着一个英语标志。上面写的是“man and wife lung slice".你猜是什么意思。
Tim's line
Tim's Line
“肺片”这个词就更让人感到奇怪了。他们竟一个词一个地把它翻译成“lung slice"。
Tim's Line
那就可以说应该 "small hearted" 不应该 "small minded" 哈哈,有意思。
I know right? 学习怎么这么难!
Tim's line
Tim's line
我不太同意你的看法。不少中文式的英文标志,不但是误译,有的时候还错得令人的惊讶。为什么会出现这种情况呢?我想是因为中文词有很多的意思。上个星期我跟一个朋友去吃饭,在菜单里写着一个英语标志。上面写的是“man and wife lung slice".你猜是什么意思。
Tim's line
Tim's Line
“肺片”这个词就更让人感到奇怪了。他们竟一个词一个地把它翻译成“lung slice"。
Tim's Line
那就可以说应该 "small hearted" 不应该 "small minded" 哈哈,有意思。
I know right? 学习怎么这么难!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
On Investing In My Future
I spent a total of 11 hours at school today (10am-9pm). While every other time would have been spent doing unnecessary things (see post below), I surprisingly spent my time quite productively, for the most part at least. I have two consecutive midterms tomorrow and a midterm on Thursday. Considering my poor work ethic and being prone to getting distracted, I faced the task of cramming four weeks worth of information in this limited amount of time*. I feel like a crazy lady, mostly because I'm absolutely positive that fluorescent lights negatively impact my physical wellbeing. I'm serious- my ability to socially interact with people deteriorates because my mind and body are unable to properly function or at least work in tandem. I feel like I don't need to even explain because you all know me so well.
I think the worst part about having to study for these tests is that I am required to produce quantitative answers rather than exercising my bullshitting capabilities, which we all know I excel at.
It's kind of disappointing knowing that the results of these tests (considering I don't do shit when it comes to extracurricular activities) will determine my candidacy for a well paying job in some Fortune 500 company, if I actually wanted that of course but it's still nice to have the option.
I'm excited that people have been responding well to my blog. I'm glad I'm doing my part for the community (maybe I can list this on my resume, can you tell I'm concerned about my post-college life?). I wish I could dedicate more time to shit talking and expressing my hopes and dreams -which I have yet to address- but we all know that this fun and exciting life I have is the actual material that makes this blog so wonderful.
In the mean time, here is a silly video that a classmate, Tom, shared with me via Facebook. I think he's trying to tell me that I have too many pairs of Keds. Because it boosts my self esteem, I do this in real life on a daily basis:
*In my defense, I've actually been studying since last week but I like add dramatic effect. At the same time, studying between/after classes does not make up for not listening and understanding the material in the actual class.
I think the worst part about having to study for these tests is that I am required to produce quantitative answers rather than exercising my bullshitting capabilities, which we all know I excel at.
It's kind of disappointing knowing that the results of these tests (considering I don't do shit when it comes to extracurricular activities) will determine my candidacy for a well paying job in some Fortune 500 company, if I actually wanted that of course but it's still nice to have the option.
I'm excited that people have been responding well to my blog. I'm glad I'm doing my part for the community (maybe I can list this on my resume, can you tell I'm concerned about my post-college life?). I wish I could dedicate more time to shit talking and expressing my hopes and dreams -which I have yet to address- but we all know that this fun and exciting life I have is the actual material that makes this blog so wonderful.
In the mean time, here is a silly video that a classmate, Tom, shared with me via Facebook. I think he's trying to tell me that I have too many pairs of Keds. Because it boosts my self esteem, I do this in real life on a daily basis:
*In my defense, I've actually been studying since last week but I like add dramatic effect. At the same time, studying between/after classes does not make up for not listening and understanding the material in the actual class.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Great Coffee
I could be doing better things in class, like actively listening for example, but this seemed more imperative.
There is a funny story associated with this, do you want to know about it? Let me know so I feel like I'm not just posting in vain. I'm not just posting for my personal reference you know, I'm doing a public service. It's me.
When you and I, when you and I connect
Guam is a hub for ridiculous jingles. Ask anyone from Guam and they will be able to perform their own rendition (i.e. Atkins Kroll Toyota or Talaya 2000). This commercial for cellphones is probably one of my favorites-
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bend Over Boyfriend
It has come to my attention that more of the current events in my life that were previously posted in bullet form have resulted in more of a public reaction than those silly things that happened. I had not anticipated this thinking that you may be looking for a fun read, something to keep you distracted from any real work or perhaps an instrument to visualize me in social situations (I can assure you that it is an interesting experience). I should give you more credit, you really do care about my welfare.
While it is proper to address these concerns (i.e. my relationship with Eamon or why I love China), I refuse to do so (at this time) in lieu of the fact that I do not feel like exposing my fears, hopes, dreams and insecurities. Instead, let me update you, again in bullet form, as to what petty things are occurring in my life.
I guess I'll post something with something of a little more substance (or at least provides you all with a fun, exciting story) next time.
In the mean time, the apple does not fall far from the tree. The lady in the purple shirt is the woman who tells me that I should "make [myself] valuable" and that "guys don't like loose girls". I can only hope I can provide my own daughters with similar valuable words of advice. My dad is pretty hip too.

(Left-Right) Lola, Lolo (my dad's parents), Angel (my sister), mom, dad.
This picture was taken sometime in the early 80s at this park called "Ngayon Pilipino" in Metro Manila, Philippines. We used to go there as a family during our summer vacations. From what I remember, Ngayon Pilipino was a park full of small-scale versions of various Philippine landmarks. If I'm not mistaken, the landmark that they are posed in front of is Mayon Volcano that is located in Bicol, where my mom (and supposedly, all the beautiful women of the Philippines) comes from.
While it is proper to address these concerns (i.e. my relationship with Eamon or why I love China), I refuse to do so (at this time) in lieu of the fact that I do not feel like exposing my fears, hopes, dreams and insecurities. Instead, let me update you, again in bullet form, as to what petty things are occurring in my life.
- I will be visiting my brother in DC over winter break. It will be my first time visiting the East coast!
- I'm compiling a list of Business School conspiracies that really just shows how much of a whiny, lazy student I am. However, I really do believe that there is the spirit of conspiracy that resides within buying books for these classes.
- Pegging (both receiving and giving)
- Preparing meals for myself
- Going to Hump! Finally!
I guess I'll post something with something of a little more substance (or at least provides you all with a fun, exciting story) next time.
In the mean time, the apple does not fall far from the tree. The lady in the purple shirt is the woman who tells me that I should "make [myself] valuable" and that "guys don't like loose girls". I can only hope I can provide my own daughters with similar valuable words of advice. My dad is pretty hip too.
(Left-Right) Lola, Lolo (my dad's parents), Angel (my sister), mom, dad.
This picture was taken sometime in the early 80s at this park called "Ngayon Pilipino" in Metro Manila, Philippines. We used to go there as a family during our summer vacations. From what I remember, Ngayon Pilipino was a park full of small-scale versions of various Philippine landmarks. If I'm not mistaken, the landmark that they are posed in front of is Mayon Volcano that is located in Bicol, where my mom (and supposedly, all the beautiful women of the Philippines) comes from.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"So do you want to know what happened to me today?"
There have been many occasions where I have prefaced a conversation with that quote. In the spirit of randomness, one would think that there is an equal opportunity for everyone when it comes to, for lack of a better expression, omgz moments. In my experiences, however, it has come to my attention that I am prone to these types of situations. Is it because I'm self conscious? Or is it because I like to think too much about what is going on around me? I'm not sure. Let me highlight some noteworthy events that have happened to me in the last year-
1. Getting manhandled by a bus
Even after swearing off the 10am bus for good (due to a crazy bus driver in the past), I was convinced by Tim that the bus had since changed their ways. Things would be different now, it would be a healthy, reciprocal relationship this time around. The bus would come early, I would be in class on time and things would be okay. No one would be yelling or driving like they were on speed (yet not getting anywhere on time).
I had spoken too soon when I realized that it was already 10:10 with the bus nowhere in sight. Fearing the verbal assaults by my Chinese teacher for being late, I was considering several options- for one, I could wait for the bus and hope that I will get to school in five minutes. I could also call a cab, pay $15 to get there and still be late. The last option, which would be the most desperate, would be to take my shitty car, only to realize that it won't start. Taking all these options into consideration, I decided to not spend any money [that I didn't have] and wait for the bus.
The bus finally came. I had accepted that I would be publicly ousted in front of my peers for being late, perhaps I would make it up with excellent Chinese dialogue. Probably not. With my head down, I stepped onto the bus only to be manhandled by the doors. A few people managed to slip through but, practicing caution and defending my honor, I stepped out. The doors opened again and once again, the fucking doors close on me. While the smart thing to do was to dust my shoulders off and casually enter the bus through the front doors, in my hope for the goodness of humanity, I waited. The doors open again and I quickly try to rush in. The next thing you know, my foot is stuck between the doors and I can't pull it out. There is nothing to be done now- I could not properly defend my honor, I am embarrassed and I might possibly lose a foot/shoe.
What was to be done now? The bus had won. I pulled my foot out of my shoe, pulled my shoe out with my hands and ran to the front of the bus, found a seat and refused to make eye contact with anyone. The world was against me at that point- I was going to be late for Chinese AND I was publicly humiliated and assaulted by a metro bus.
I have been taking the 9:41am bus since then.
2. "I'm wearing shorts"
Earlier this year, I came home from a typical day at school. I don't usually run into my neighbors considering most of them are older and have older people jobs. On this particular day, I had just checked my mail and was making my way upstairs. As I open the door to the stairwell, an older man in a white tshirt and white underpants ("tighty whities") happened to be on his way upstairs. Our eyes met (or maybe my eyes met his underpants). The only thing he said was "I'm sorry, I'm wearing shorts". What does one say in response to that? He turned around and in a slow jog type of way, made his way upstairs. I only had to follow him up one flight of stairs (Why didn't I just take the other stairs?) but the image has burned a place in my mind. Those stairs will never be the same again.
3. "Maybe I should call Liz and Tim"
Over the summer I both worked and attended school. Granted it was only one class and I only worked for 4 hours but still, I'm sensitive. Not to mention I started work at 5:15 in the morning. For some reason, although I had to do this 4 times a week, I never got used to the schedule. Needless to say, I was always tired.
I usually bike down to work since the buses don't run early enough and, since I am a hipster who can't bike for shit, I bus back home (or to school). Since I had been told by a bus driver that I was not allowed to put my bike on in the ride free area, I biked all the way to the Convention Center (8 blocks down). Nothing special about this. I have no problem following the rules, whatever, let me just go home.
Any Frances story would not be the same without a "however" brought into the mix. So, to follow the formula...
However, as I was getting off the bus, for some weird reason, I had tripped and hurt my ankle really bad. Because I am ridiculously self conscious and insecure, I had pretended that nothing happened and got off the bus. So what if my ankle was hurting like a motherfucker? I needed to look cool with my fixed gear and get the fuck off the bus. As the bus drove away, standing there with my bike, looking hip of course, I questioned what I should do. My ankle hurt and I thought I was going to pass out from shock. Knowing that Tim and Liz were at my house I questioned calling them and telling them to help me. Then again, if I had called and told them that I hurt myself off the bus, naturally, they would laugh at me and think I was joking. And, if they actually did come, would I really make them carry me home? I don't think so. I have pride.
I ended up limping my way home with my bike in tow. I told Liz and Tim, the friends they are, what happened and I was right. They did laugh at me.
To this day, my ankle still hurts.
4. Somewhere in the Pacific
Every year I go back home to Guam. It's about a 13 hour flight each way which takes its toll on my mental, physical and emotional health. Only recently have I discovered a method to which I can comfortably nap (aside from taking painkillers, but thats also another story). I do so by putting the tray table down and resting my head on it with a pillow. Pretty much how I sleep in class except with a small, travel sized pillow. And I guess having no shame in sleeping.
This year was a particularly hard year for me to leave home. For the first time since 2003, my entire family was on island to celebrate the birth of my sister's third baby. Also, for the first time since I've been coming back every summer, I did not go out and get shit faced/funnel beers/win $200 every weekend. It was quality time with my family and I had no problem with that. Anyway, I am drifting.
On the flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles, sad and fatigued, I took to my normal routine and fell asleep on the tray table. The next thing you know, I feel like I'm getting crushed. Not by crippling sadness that would happen when I leave home but by someone sitting in front of me reclining their chair. It wasn't a swift motion either. The bitch didn't realize that someone could be resting their head on the table (which I could understand why) so she kept pushing back until she got what she wanted. Let's just say she wasn't a very small girl either. Since I am also a pushover, I let her win. It's okay to compromise my comfort for the sake of someone else. I'm just sorry the nice couple next to me had to witness this injustice. I wonder how they're dealing with this.
And those are just to name a few. Do these kinds of things happen to you on a regular basis?
What else have I been up to? Let me list this in bullet form:
1. Getting manhandled by a bus
Even after swearing off the 10am bus for good (due to a crazy bus driver in the past), I was convinced by Tim that the bus had since changed their ways. Things would be different now, it would be a healthy, reciprocal relationship this time around. The bus would come early, I would be in class on time and things would be okay. No one would be yelling or driving like they were on speed (yet not getting anywhere on time).
I had spoken too soon when I realized that it was already 10:10 with the bus nowhere in sight. Fearing the verbal assaults by my Chinese teacher for being late, I was considering several options- for one, I could wait for the bus and hope that I will get to school in five minutes. I could also call a cab, pay $15 to get there and still be late. The last option, which would be the most desperate, would be to take my shitty car, only to realize that it won't start. Taking all these options into consideration, I decided to not spend any money [that I didn't have] and wait for the bus.
The bus finally came. I had accepted that I would be publicly ousted in front of my peers for being late, perhaps I would make it up with excellent Chinese dialogue. Probably not. With my head down, I stepped onto the bus only to be manhandled by the doors. A few people managed to slip through but, practicing caution and defending my honor, I stepped out. The doors opened again and once again, the fucking doors close on me. While the smart thing to do was to dust my shoulders off and casually enter the bus through the front doors, in my hope for the goodness of humanity, I waited. The doors open again and I quickly try to rush in. The next thing you know, my foot is stuck between the doors and I can't pull it out. There is nothing to be done now- I could not properly defend my honor, I am embarrassed and I might possibly lose a foot/shoe.
What was to be done now? The bus had won. I pulled my foot out of my shoe, pulled my shoe out with my hands and ran to the front of the bus, found a seat and refused to make eye contact with anyone. The world was against me at that point- I was going to be late for Chinese AND I was publicly humiliated and assaulted by a metro bus.
I have been taking the 9:41am bus since then.
2. "I'm wearing shorts"
Earlier this year, I came home from a typical day at school. I don't usually run into my neighbors considering most of them are older and have older people jobs. On this particular day, I had just checked my mail and was making my way upstairs. As I open the door to the stairwell, an older man in a white tshirt and white underpants ("tighty whities") happened to be on his way upstairs. Our eyes met (or maybe my eyes met his underpants). The only thing he said was "I'm sorry, I'm wearing shorts". What does one say in response to that? He turned around and in a slow jog type of way, made his way upstairs. I only had to follow him up one flight of stairs (Why didn't I just take the other stairs?) but the image has burned a place in my mind. Those stairs will never be the same again.
3. "Maybe I should call Liz and Tim"
Over the summer I both worked and attended school. Granted it was only one class and I only worked for 4 hours but still, I'm sensitive. Not to mention I started work at 5:15 in the morning. For some reason, although I had to do this 4 times a week, I never got used to the schedule. Needless to say, I was always tired.
I usually bike down to work since the buses don't run early enough and, since I am a hipster who can't bike for shit, I bus back home (or to school). Since I had been told by a bus driver that I was not allowed to put my bike on in the ride free area, I biked all the way to the Convention Center (8 blocks down). Nothing special about this. I have no problem following the rules, whatever, let me just go home.
Any Frances story would not be the same without a "however" brought into the mix. So, to follow the formula...
However, as I was getting off the bus, for some weird reason, I had tripped and hurt my ankle really bad. Because I am ridiculously self conscious and insecure, I had pretended that nothing happened and got off the bus. So what if my ankle was hurting like a motherfucker? I needed to look cool with my fixed gear and get the fuck off the bus. As the bus drove away, standing there with my bike, looking hip of course, I questioned what I should do. My ankle hurt and I thought I was going to pass out from shock. Knowing that Tim and Liz were at my house I questioned calling them and telling them to help me. Then again, if I had called and told them that I hurt myself off the bus, naturally, they would laugh at me and think I was joking. And, if they actually did come, would I really make them carry me home? I don't think so. I have pride.
I ended up limping my way home with my bike in tow. I told Liz and Tim, the friends they are, what happened and I was right. They did laugh at me.
To this day, my ankle still hurts.
4. Somewhere in the Pacific
Every year I go back home to Guam. It's about a 13 hour flight each way which takes its toll on my mental, physical and emotional health. Only recently have I discovered a method to which I can comfortably nap (aside from taking painkillers, but thats also another story). I do so by putting the tray table down and resting my head on it with a pillow. Pretty much how I sleep in class except with a small, travel sized pillow. And I guess having no shame in sleeping.
This year was a particularly hard year for me to leave home. For the first time since 2003, my entire family was on island to celebrate the birth of my sister's third baby. Also, for the first time since I've been coming back every summer, I did not go out and get shit faced/funnel beers/win $200 every weekend. It was quality time with my family and I had no problem with that. Anyway, I am drifting.
On the flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles, sad and fatigued, I took to my normal routine and fell asleep on the tray table. The next thing you know, I feel like I'm getting crushed. Not by crippling sadness that would happen when I leave home but by someone sitting in front of me reclining their chair. It wasn't a swift motion either. The bitch didn't realize that someone could be resting their head on the table (which I could understand why) so she kept pushing back until she got what she wanted. Let's just say she wasn't a very small girl either. Since I am also a pushover, I let her win. It's okay to compromise my comfort for the sake of someone else. I'm just sorry the nice couple next to me had to witness this injustice. I wonder how they're dealing with this.
And those are just to name a few. Do these kinds of things happen to you on a regular basis?
What else have I been up to? Let me list this in bullet form:
- I am in school on an average of 8-10 hours every day. This is my life right now.
- I have been living on my own since I've been back from Guam/There are no squatters in my house
- As of yesterday, I am officially jobless. Seattle's Best Coffee at 1st and Pike lost its lease due to a 20% increase in rent. Starbucks will be there in a couple of months.
- I need an official answer by my stepdad's friend on whether or not I will be working in China next summer. I really need to go back.
- I really, really screwed up when it came to Eamon.
- I made an egg salad sandwich that was too salty but still ate three eggs worth of it.
- I wish I had the time to read books.
- I keep spending money on beer and candy.
- Business classes have been so bad to the extent that Liz and I have to drink before class and have a stockpile of snacks to eat during class.
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