Anyway, I digress. So I'm leaving my comfort zone once again for an indefinite amount of time. I feel like this time it is a selfish move considering my parents are still contributing to my financial pool (I'd like to think that my bond has a long time before it is fully matured). At the same time, I feel like I'm going to finally be doing something that I like. Like people who feel their need to satisfy their biological clock and settle down and start a family, going to China feels like the next logical step for me. China is my baby and/or real job. Don't worry- I'll be making money there somehow.
Did I mention that Alex will also be moving to China? I am concerned about him experiencing culture shock that mentally and physically disables him from being happy. In order to prevent this, I, with a collaboration with Rosetta Stone have been teaching him key phrases such as "This boy/girl/man/woman is drinking water", "I want beer", "I do not want to jog" in various combinations.
While I'm sad to be leaving my friends/social network, I am excited to go abroad and return with better things to talk about in comparison to this last year where I have been less interesting than a piece of bark.

This is Alex and Dana.
I will attempt to update this blog while we are abroad (government permitting, of course). So keep in touch! Also, give me your address. Alex and I are determined to write a lot of letters while we are away in order to revive the romantic notion of the act, considering how exotic our travels will be (not really, but really).
I haven't written like this in a long time since I've been traumatized writing 60+ pages over the summer. I feel like I need to insert "strategic" and "competitive advantage" in somewhere. I guess I just did.
Baby steps.
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