Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mailing List

I can't access blogspot in mainland China so I can't blog about our wonderful travels. To remedy this, I'm setting up a mailing list. Get on this email list! Email me-

Monday, October 5, 2009

No more driving

I'm glad that I won't have to drive long distances for a while. This makes sense considering I grew up on an island that was about 30 miles long (a third of which was inaccessible because of the military) and got carsick when we were in the car for more than 10 minutes. I'm surprised Alex still likes me considering I refused to talk to him while either of us was driving, sometimes even forcing myself to sleep to avoid conversation (sorry Alex). I'm just not one of those kinds of people.

In the morning Alex and I will be off to Boston! Neither of us have been there so it will be a treat for the both of us. In the place of long distance driving will be various modes of transportation including busses, airplanes and trains. This next week (our last in the mainland) will be a test of our health. Perhaps it was a good thing that Alex's dad pawned off a lot of medicine on us. In any case, my goal is to not get sick and avoid being quarantined in China.
I better try to compress my bag now.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

obligated to

Alex and I are approaching the second leg of our pre-trip. We haven't been doing much except hanging out around his dad's house, either reading, watching movies or the occasional being chased by 100 pound dogs outside. I have no problem with this because these activities are what I would like to base my entire life around (with the occasional change of scenery). The weather has been a little too cold for my taste and it doesn't help that its been really windy since we've arrived. I don't think I could handle the winters here.

Alex's dad and his wife are very nice people. His dad loves to tell stories about everything and anything (he is a good storyteller) while his wife occasionally makes fun of him. His dad also tries to pawn things off on us- jeans, face masks, books, old tshirts. I think this is cute. His wife has a nice vegetable garden that produces a large variety of stuff, which makes me wish I could have my own someday.